Homemade Pumpkin Pasta

 2 cups AP flour, plus additional flour for dusting surface
 1 tsp Salt
 2 Eggs
 ½ cup Pumpkin puree
 Fresh herbs (thyme, sage)
 Parmesan cheese
 Fresh grated nutmeg


Mix flour, salt, eggs, and pumpkin puree in a bowl or food processor. Combine well until ingredients come together to form a ball.


Thinly roll dough out on a floured surface and cut into strips or ribbons with a pizza cutter or sharp knife. (Pasta should resemble shape of fettuccine or pappardelle)


Rest strips on parchment paper to prevent sticking.


Bring salted water to a boil in a large pot. Cook pasta until desired doneness or until pasta begins to float to the top.


Drain pasta and toss in melted butter. Top with fresh herbs, parmesan cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, or sauce of choice.